Scientific events participation:
PSE Meeting 2022, Natural Products in Drug Discovery and Development – Advances and Perspectives, 19-22 September 2022, Iasi, Romania with the papers:
1. Effect of non-thermal plasma activated water on the accumulation of bioactive compounds in wheat sprouts Alexandru Mandici, Daniel Eusebiu Crețu,Tudor George Aostăcioaiei, Dragoș Astanei, Denis Constantin Țopa, Anca Miron, Radu Burlică
19th International Conference on Plasma Physics and Applications & 1st Workshop on Plasma Applications for Smart and Sustainable Agriculture, August 31 - September 3, 2021, Magurele, Bucharest, Romania with the paper:
Capacitive power supplies for non-thermal plasma multi-reactors scale-up R. Burlica, D. Astanei, O. Beniuga, D.E. Cretu
2. Exposure to non-thermal plasma activated water and cold stress to improve the antioxidant potential of sprouted wheat Ana Clara Aprotosoaie, Crăița Roșu, Alexandru Mandici, Daniel Eusebiu Crețu,Tudor George Aostăcioaiei, Dragoș Astanei, Denis Constantin Țopa, Radu Burlică, Anca Miron
3. Enhancing the nutritional and bioactive potential of sprouted grains: a focus on non-thermal plasma activated water technology Anca Miron, Alexandru Mandici, Cristina Lungu, Daniel Eusebiu Crețu, Dragoș Astanei, Radu Burlică, Ana Clara Aprotosoaie
PhytoPAW Says:
November 11th, 2020
Project initiation